Friday, July 17, 2020

Mr. Trump’s Payroll Tax Cut? No Way! My Plan Does It Better!

Mr. Trump’s Payroll Tax Cut? No Way! My Plan Does It Better!

Current President Donald Trump wants a payroll tax cut as part of any next stimulus plan. His goal: destroy Social Security, much like his attempt to damage the U.S. Postal Service. These two programs are America’s best; Mr. Trump is not.

However, The B.E.S.T.* Social Security Modernization Plan does have provisions to make the payroll tax less regressive and more progressive. First, keep in mind that B.E.S.T.* is flexibly designed in that provisions can be tweaked in the spirit of the plan.

Here are a couple provisions:  1. Low wage earners who earn below a set annual amount will be able to file and annual tax return to get a percentage of their payroll tax refunded to them. However, their refund will come from general revenues not the Social Security Trust Fund.  2.  Earners at the top tier of the covered earning base will be required to pay a higher payroll tax rate only for their earnings that exceed a designated higher level. 

Keep in mind that B.E.S.T. * redefines short term capital gains, dividends, and rental income as wages so that they are subject to the payroll tax which will boost the Social Security Trust Fund coffers.

Of particular interest is making rental income subject to paying the Social Security payroll tax.  What this will accomplish is that it will be less lucrative to buy up strings of properties and homes, thus making housing more affordable for individual home buyers. Fewer slum lords?