Tuesday, July 5, 2022


A Few BEST Social Security Modernization Plan Basics - An Introduction

A Few BEST Social Security Modernization Plan Basics - An Introduction

The U.S. should adopt a comprehensive approach to ensure the solvency of our great nation’s most successful economic, domestic program, Social Security.

One of the provisions in the Balanced, Equitable, Solvent, Tested (BEST) Social Security Modernization (Mod) Plan was designed to look at the way modern America works and earns a living in the 21ST century.

It calls for repealing sections 211 (1) (2) and (3) of the 1935 Social Security Act. These are the three sections of the Act which exclude income from real estate rentals, corporate dividends, and stock market capital gains from being subject to paying the Social Security taxes that every other hard working American is required to pay. (Long term gains will be excluded from the revised earnings definition.)

Requiring the recipients of these types of earned income to pay their fair share of taxes will help to insure that the hugely successful Social Security program will remain fully solvent for generations to come.

Exactly what will this Correction to the Social Security Act accomplish?

First, it will require payment of the 15.3% Social Security Self Employment/Medicare tax. (Employees pay a 7.65% Social Security/Medicare tax.) Those who have these types of currently excluded earnings typically have much longer working careers than those who perform hard physical labor. This also means more years of contributions to the Social Security/Medicare trust funds.

Second, once these earnings are properly defined as earned income, not only will they be subject to Social Security taxes, but they will, then be subject to paying federal income taxes at the rates that wages are presently taxed, and the 1.45% Medicare tax which is not subject to the current payroll tax cap. Currently a hedge fund manager may pay a total of only 15% tax on her/his earnings. However, once defined as wages/self employment, these earnings will be subject to 15.3% Social Security tax, the additional 1.45% Medicare tax on all earned income, plus the federal income tax rates of 25-35% that other hard working Americans have long been required to pay.

This is not a tax increase! These are currently existing taxes and tax rates. Why should stock market gamblers and insiders, who are working at earning a living, pay total taxes of 15% while other workers pay 32-50% tax rates? Let’s make taxation fair for all.

There are many more thoughtful and effective provisions contained in this plan, including making the payroll tax more progressive. These will be included if future posts and discussions on this site.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Solving The Covid 19 Epidemic

 Covid vaccines are experimental, using never-before employed ingredients, have not been fully tested, and they are only designed to prevent death or hospitalization from Covid. The vaxxed can still contract Covid and are can still spread Covid. Research indicates that the vaxxed may carry (and spread) a heavier covid load than those who are unvaccinated. Per The Guardian as of 12/21, 70.9% of Americans are fully vaccinated. Yet, there are more Covid cases in America than before the Covid vaccinations were rolled out. Now, the powers that be are saying a third, fourth, of fifth vaccination may be needed. Why? The vaccines do not work as publicly intended.  A wise man once said: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for a different result.”

 Vermont may have a 90% vaccination rate. Pre-roll out they had the lowest covid case rate. Now, they have one of the highest rates of Covid increase.

 The U.S. has no recommended early treatment protocols. Get sick, get hospitalized, and die from/on a ventilator. All there is is vaxx, vaxx, vaxx. There are doctors that have been successful in using early treatment protocols. There are other prevention strategies, too.

 Evidence exists that high levels of Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, and Quercetin, etc. have prophylactic effects and lessen Covid.

 The new strategy is to vaxx young children who are already at very rare risk of contracting or dying from covid.  Why put them at high risk of vaccine death or injury? Uunvaxxed children may have been our last hope for herd immunity to ending the outbreak.

 Per the federal government's own VAERS website, there have been many deaths and long lasting or permanent disabilities occurring after Covid vaccines. The government minimizes and ignores these and thinks nothing of 10-20,000 deaths. What if it is your spouse, sibling or child who dies from the vaccine?

 Are the numbers of ailments like heart disease or cancer have been increasing post experimental vaccinations?

 Covid is a virus. The virus can only live on a host.  The US vaccine strategy which lets all the vaxxed spread the virus without consequences is a dismally failed strategy.

 We can do better. We need a multi-faceted strategy to win this battle. Abandon the failed vaccine strategy and its failed leaders. Start anew using a better approach.
