Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A Seat At The Table

A Seat At The Table

The B.E.S.T. Social Security Modernization (Mod) Plan (BEST Mod Plan) wants a seat at the table when any discussions about the future of Social Security take place. BEST wants to make certain that “modernization” infuses new sources of revenue into the program, that Social Security taxation becomes more progressive and fairer, that benefits are not reduced, that the retirement age is not increased, that the program is not privatized, that the program is utilized to improve the U.S. economy, and that no decisions are made that, in the long term, hurt the popularity and the future of the U.S. Social Security programs.

BEST wants to discuss and debate the relevant issues and is available for presentations about the BEST Mod Plan before civic groups and Congress and Congressional staffs and committees.

No one should forget that  Social Security's programs and the monthly benefits that it pays out each month are an intrinsic part of the U. S. economy.

Since it is a comprehensive plan, it is extensive and has some complexities that will require several posts on this blog to fully explain.

The BEST Mod Plan has existed for several years and has been sent around to numerous economists, political leaders, and think tanks.

It is now time to take it to the next level.

Our next two posts will dig out information from the archives which will provide you with some useful background information.

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