Friday, December 20, 2013

A Brief Abstract - The BEST Social Security Modernization Plan

A Brief Abstract - The BEST Social Security Modernization Plan

The BEST Social Security Mod Plan is the BEST Social Security solvency plan because unlike other Social Security plans it doesn’t focus on the same ideas that have been unsuccessfully rehashed over the last several decades. Instead, it uses bold, creative, progressive ideation.

It takes a new look at the way Americans work and earn money, and concludes that all modes of work: physical labor, mental labor and financial investment labor should be treated equally. Using principles of logic, it concludes that there is no basis for treating income earned by physical labor and that by financial investment and speculation differently or that wealth should be entitled to any differential treatment by the Social Security or the federal income taxation program.

As a result, the BEST Plan finds new sources of revenues for the Social Security trust fund by adding the definition of earned income for purposes of Social Security taxation monies earned from short term capital gains, all forms of rental income, and requiring newly hired State and local employees to pay Social Security taxes for a five year period after being hired.

It also creates a progressive three-tier system of taxation for contributing to the trust funds without removing the payroll tax cap on earnings.

In addition the BEST Plan is adamantly opposed to any attempts to make the Social Security program means-tested.

Details on the above can be found by reading my earlier posts on this blog and by posting your comments or questions in the comments sections.

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