Sunday, December 1, 2013

Data, Statistics, Number Crunching & Exactitude

Data, Statistics, Number Crunching & Exactitude

Before I go further, it is important for all to understand that I do not have access to all the data and statistics that are available to the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). In addition, the BEST Social Security Mod Plan is a broad, extensive framework for Social Security reform and for preventing program cuts and for advocating program expansion. Thus, many of my proposals could be changed, tweaked or adjusted as long as my broader goals are preserved.

For example, I do not know the exact affect implementing a more progressive payroll tax will have on the Social Security trust funds. While my proposal to define short term capital gains as wages is not negotiable, the length of time differentiating short term from long term capital gains might be, depending on how they affect the Plan.

However, I do fully support my proposals and my goal is to gain widespread support for the plan as a whole. Once that occurs, I expect that SSA & IRS actuaries will be expected to provide detailed analyses to determine each component’s effectiveness and the effect of any modified or adjusted scenarios.

Future Posts: New Sources of Revenue, A Progressive Payroll Tax, and more …

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